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A bandagem elástica como recurso terapêutico na motricidade orofacial: um estudo bibliográfico

Resumo: Introduction: The severity of muscle orofacial pain is related to the movements and functional activities of the muscles involved, orofacial dysfunction is a common clinical characteristic that is associated with disorders and dysfunctions of the masticatory musculature. Currently, health professionals have used several resources to assist in therapy, one of these resources is the elastic bandage as a therapeutic resource for orofacial motricity therapy, the present study proposes to investigate the effectiveness of elastic bandage as a therapeutic resource in orofacial motricity. Methodology: a bibliographic survey of national and international scientific articles published between 1999 and 2020 was carried out, which report on the use of elastic bandage as a therapeutic resource in speech therapy. Discussion: Elastic bandages are applied over the muscle to provide assistance and support, preventing excessive contractions, improving the range of motion, facilitating venous and lymphatic return. Final considerations: Through the data collected, this study was supported by the most diverse research sources, and it is possible to understand the principles and objectives of the use and methods of applying elastic bandage as well as reviewing the literature on the complexity of orofacial motricity. Keywords: Myofunctional therapy, athletic, facial adjustment. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo