fratura femoral

Principais fatores de riscos relacionados a queda em idosos e suas consequências: revisão integrativa

Resumo: Introduction: With the increase in life expectancy over time, there is an increase in falls resulting in fracture of the femur among the elderly. Objective: identify the main risk factors related to falls in the elderly and their consequences, so that both the government and society are aware of these risks and their consequences. Revision: As methods, an integrative literature review was carried out through the databases, VHL and SciELO using as descriptors: '' Elderly '', '' Treatment '' and '' Femoral Fracture '' associated with the Boolean operator "AND" '. Discussion: As a result, we obtained 8 publications that fit the theme, 100% of the publications developed through field research, all articles were included in this integrative review. Final considerations: t is concluded that the risk factors related to falls in the elderly and their consequences are associated with several factors, such as: age, health status of this elderly person before the fracture, among others, adding to the high effective cost of treatment and the lack a strict hospitalization protocol and surgical procedure. Keywords: accidental falls, risk factors, femoral fractures, elderly, public health, patient safety. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo