Início Contribuições do tratamento ortodôntico em pacientes com doenças periodontais
12 (2023)

Contribuições do tratamento ortodôntico em pacientes com doenças periodontais
INTRODUCTION: The interaction between Orthodontics and Periodontics can contribute efficiently to dental treatment, being able to provide patients with periodontal disease, conditions so that periodontite health can restabilize and restore satisfactory occlusion. REVIEW: The present work proposed to evaluate, through literature review, such as articles, theses and books related to the subject, orthodontic treatment in patients with periodontal disease. DISCUSSION: From the information obtained it was possible to conclude that the orthodontic-periodontal union brings many benefits to the periodontium, by increasing the insertion capacity of periodontal ligament fibers to root surfaces, and thus establishing contact between the tooth and its respective alveolus. It should be emphasized that these benefits are considerable, provided that the biomechanical principles of orthodontics and the biological limitations of the periodontium are respected. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: Finally, the present work showed that orthodontic treatment can be complementary to periodontal treatment, helping the patient to control biofilm and enabling a functionally and aesthetically stable occlusion.
Keywords: orthodontic treatment, periodontal treatment, ortho-perio union.
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Bacteriocinas como bioconservador alimentario: características generales y aplicación en alimentos
INTRODUCTION: Nowadays consumers´ demand for reduction of synthetic preservatives in food is increasing, but products at the same time need to continue to guarantee their safety. For this reason, there is a growing interest in the food industry for bioconservation. Among the different forms of biopreservation, bacteriocins, secondary metabolites produced by lactic acid bacteria, can be used. REVIEW: The aim of this review is describe the general characteristics that define bacteriocin produced by lactic acid bacteria, as well as their mode of action and applicability in the food industry in the main food groups. DISCUSSION: Several studies demonstrate its effectiveness in safely extending the shelf life of foods, due to its great ability to inhibit or slow down the growth of pathogenic and important spoilage microorganisms, such as Listeria monocytogenes or Escherichia coli. This way of bioconservation can be applied to meat products, dairy products, vegetables, seafood and beverages such as beer or wine. In addition, the use of bacteriocins show a great advantage when it is combined with heat treatments, since they allow the application of milder treatments, thus reducing the organoleptic damage that could occur in the quality of the food. CONCLUSION: The incorporation of bacteriocin to different foods allows their safe preservation and has a promising function as possible substitutes for traditional synthetic preservatives.
Keywords: Bacteriocins, lactic acid bacteria, additives, natural antimicrobials, food safety.
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Estudo de casos múltiplos para identificação de alterações cognitivas em pacientes pós-infecção por COVID-19
BACKGROUND: The extent of the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic for patients who survived the infection still needs to be evaluated, both in physical terms and in terms of psychological functioning. OBJECTIVE: This research aimed to investigate possible cognitive changes after being infected by COVID-19. METHODS: 3 case studies were carried out with participants who had COVID-19, with no history of cognitive difficulties prior to the infection. In each case, a Psychological Assessment process was carried out consisting of life history, anamnesis and application of the Wechsler Abbreviated Intelligence Scale and the Brazilian version of the Bells Cancellation Test. RESULTS: The results showed that all participants had post-COVID-19 cognitive changes, especially changes in executive functions that were significant and independent of the severity of symptoms presented during the period of COVID-19 involvement. CONCLUSIONS: All participants have a history of successful professional and social performance, with significant changes after the COVID-19 infection, corroborating the literature regarding the potential neurological effects of the new coronavirus.
Keywords: SARS-CoV-2, Cognitive Dysfunction, Applied Psychology.
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Morte e luto no hospital durante a COVID-19: Implicações na saúde mental dos profissionais da linha de frente
BACKGROUND: The purpose of this work emerged during the pandemic context caused by COVID-19, as it influenced several events that affected the world's population, whether economically, socially or psychologically. Thus, there was a look at health professionals who were in the hospital and on the front line of the fight against the Coronavirus. OBJECTIVE: The present study aimed to understand how the high rate of deaths in hospitals related to the Coronavirus affected the mental health of these health professionals, to analyze its implications and how the confrontation occurred. METHODS: The research method was qualitative with descriptive and explanatory purposes, through data collection by the ex-post-facto procedure, four health professionals were interviewed online through the Google Meet platform, among them, a Nurse, a Physiotherapist, a Nursing Technician and a Psychologist. RESULTS: As a data collection instrument, a semi-structured interview was used, containing a script with eleven questions, seeking to evoke data from the perspective of health professionals on the definition of death and mourning, the coping mechanisms and the implications for the physical and mental health of these subjects. For data analysis, Content Analysis was used. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: According to the results achieved, the hypothesis was confirmed that the large number of deaths caused by COVID-19 had an impact on the lives of these individuals, in addition to having contributed to the psychological illness, as well as the coping mechanisms used in the face of death and the mourning in which they were exposed.
Keywords: Mental health, COVID-19, Health professionals, Death and Mourning.
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