2 (2019)

Hábitos de vida dos pacientes com linfoma não Hodgkin: Revisão Integrativa

Resumo: Introduction: Cancer is a pathological process that begins when an abnormal cell is transformed by DNA mutation. Lymphomas account for about 3% of all cancer cases worldwide. There are no guidelines for lymphoma prevention, as the cause is generally unknown, more common in men than in women. Objective: To analyze and describe the scientific publications about the life habits of patients with cancer and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Methods: The survey was performed in the period of September and November of 2018, in LILACS, BDENF and SCIELO. Published in the period 2012 to 2018, using the DeCS descriptors: neoplasms, cancer, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, all associated with the Boolean operator. Results: Cancer became a relevant health factor for evaluation in the quality of life of the individual who has it, since, due to its complications, this disease acts as a hindrance to the permanence of a routine defined by the pretensions and / or needs of the patients. patients, most often resulting in negative aspects. Conclusion: Cancer has been gradually changing from being seen as a fatal disease and is seen as a chronic disease, configuring what epidemiologists call the epidemiological transition. Keywords: Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma; Neoplasms; Nursing care. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Cirurgia cardíaca: refletindo sobre o cuidado de enfermagem no período pós-operatório

Resumo: Introduction: In the scenario of chronic noncommunicable diseases, cardiovascular diseases are frequent causes of morbidity and mortality. The treatment of heart disease can be clinical or surgical. The technological development in the area of Medicine has allowed cardiovascular operations to be conducted with safety and better results. Institutional and personal factors are involved in these good results for better care in postoperative care, requiring professionals to have specific attitudes, knowledge and skills. In the nurses' field of action, heart diseases correspond to an important demand for care, justifying a systematized look at this group of diseases, in the perspective of integrality of care. Objective: To describe nursing care and patient needs in the postoperative period of cardiac surgery identified by the nurses. Method: This is a bibliographical review using the MEDLINE, LILACS, COCHRANE databases, using articles from 2011 to 2017. Results: Nursing care for patients undergoing cardiac surgery is important because, through it, one can avoid possible risks and complications by having a holistic view of the patient and thus providing an improvement in their treatment and recovery. Conclusion: It is concluded that the full adoption of the nursing process as a work methodology will contribute to a better quality care, based on the guidelines needed for each case, and to better information about care involving patients, family members and nursing staff. Keywords: cardiac surgery, postoperative period, postoperative care, systematization of nursing care. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

HPV 16 em câncer de colo de útero durante a gravidez: relato de caso

  1. Introduction: cervical cancer is the main cancer diagnosed during pregnancy, it corresponds to 3% of cervical cancers. Considering its rarity and complexity, a difficult therapeutic standardization and treatment during pregnancy is even more challenging as the recorded uterus is directly affected during treatment.2. Case report: patient with well-differentiated adenocarcinoma, complaining of postcoital bleeding for 3 years. During the investigation to perform staging (ia1) in april 2016 at the oncology surgery service, a 14-week pregnancy was identified.3.      Discussion: several issues and controversies still remain on this subject. The facts and uncertainties should be widely discussed with the patient. The effect of delaying surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy in order to allow pregnancy in cervical tumors is not yet well understood.
Keywords: Cancer, Cervix, Pregnancy.
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Recursos eletroterapêuticos para o tratamento do fibroedemageloide

Resumo: Introduction: The study aimed to investigate the main electrotherapeutic resources used in the treatment of geloid fibro edema. Information obtained from the databases PubMed, Dovepress, Scielo, LILACS, ScienceDirect were chosen and organized in the format of a descriptive review about the alterations of geloid fibro edema in the skin and the electrotherapeutic resources involved in its treatment. Review: The geloid fibro edema represents a health and aesthetic dysfunction, so electrotherapy is much sought in order to improve the body aspect or even prevent the manifestation of any alteration. Discussion: An analysis of the main electrotherapeutic treatments for geloid fibro edema was performed. Final remarks: The most recommended electrotherapeutic treatments for its satisfactory results are: carboxytherapy, radiofrequency, ultrasound, shock wave therapy and combined therapies. Keywords: paniculosis, geloid fibro edema, cellulite. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Pesquisa de resíduos de antibióticos em leite in natura, pasteurizado e UHT

Resumo: The presence of antibiotic residues in milk may occur due to their deliberate addition to the animal's feed and the final product or, due to non-compliance with the latency period after administration of these drugs in dairy animals, thus leading to undesirable reactions to humans, such as hypersensitivity, bacterial resistance and imbalance of the intestinal microbiota. Thus, the objective of the research was to investigate the presence of antibiotic residues in fresh, pasteurized and UHT milk samples marketed in the cities of Bela Cruz and Sobral, located in Ceará. Ninety milk samples were analyzed, of which 30 were fresh milk, 30 pasteurized milk and 30 UHT milk. Qualitative analyzes of antibiotic residue detection in milk were performed following the instructions in the Cow Side II Test kit. Of the 90 samples studied, 63.33% were positive for the presence of antibiotics, where 70% of the fresh milk samples, 73.33% of the pasteurized and 46.67% of the UHT milk samples showed positive reaction to the presence of antibiotics. antibiotics. It was concluded that in the majority of the samples studied there was the presence of antibiotic residues and the present residues were not quantified to compare with the acceptable limit due to the qualitative kit used for the tests. It should also be noted that despite the non-quantification, the presence of these residues should still be considered a concern for consumers, as it is known that they can cause allergic reactions in individuals with hypersensitivity, as well as exposing consumers to other serious risks. Keywords: antibiotics, milk, resistance. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Elaboração de hambúrguer de carne bovina com adição de farinha de sorgo

Resumo: The hamburger is a food very appreciated and consumed by the population of diverse age groups. In order to improve the nutritional quality of this meat product the objective is to develop a hamburger with different amounts of sorghum flour: 2.5; 5.0; 7.5 and 10% and indicators of physical, chemical, microbiological and sensory properties. The hamburgers presented microbiological levels according to the one recommended by the Brazilian Legislation and pH values (5.64-5.72) suitable for meat products, showing that the product is suitable for consumption. The results of the oven humidity characteristics at 105 °C for 5 hours showed that the cooked hamburger of the F4 formulation obtained a higher humidity (63.02%) than the other samples. In the parameter color (L*, a* and b*) it was observed that the higher the concentration of flour, the more intense the color of the hamburger. Instrumental analysis of the shear force showed that the addition of sorghum flour did not significantly affect the texture of the burgers having formulation 1 having a texture of 1.80 kgf/s and formulation 4 having a texture of 1.86 kgf/s. The baking values showed that the hamburgers with the highest percentage of sorghum flour had a higher moisture retention capacity (92.66%), with a higher yield (89.14%) and a lower shrinkage of the samples with a higher amount of flour (9.48%) contributing to greater succulence. The sensorial analysis using the nine-point hedonic scale, with 103 consumers, found that all the evaluated attributes (overall evaluation, color, taste, texture, purchase intention) had in the 4 formulations presented, good sensory acceptance and purchase intension, but formulation 2 was the best accepted by consumers. Keywords: hamburger; sorghum flour; technological analysis, acceptability. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Dissemination of knowledge and scientific production in professionalizing courses: a report of experience

Resumo: Com a construção do indivíduo e a fase de escolhas caracterizadas pela adolescência, os jovens buscam cada vez mais cursos livres para se profissionalizar e seguir uma orientação profissional. Portanto, o trabalho visa avaliar a construção científica versus a produção de trabalho em cursos profissionalizantes. O trabalho foi desenvolvido com 15 classes de Assistente de Farmácia e Laboratório, 3 aulas de Assistente Veterinário e Pet Shop e 2 aulas de Cuidador de Idosos. Ao todo, 33 artigos foram apresentados entre congressos locais, regionais, nacionais e internacionais. Frente ao que foi relatado, é possível afirmar que, quando bem estruturado, um programa de Iniciação Científica Júnior tem efetividade na formação social, profissional e científica de jovens assistidos e na interação entre os alunos. Da interdisciplinaridade, a construção do pensamento científico corrobora a formação de um ser inserido na sociedade, com dimensões coletivas de conhecimento construídas pelo homem. Palavras-chave: cursos profissionalizantes, didática, metodologias ativas de ensino. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo


Determinação da frequência de micronúcleos em células esfoliativas da mucosa oral em indivíduos fumantes e etilistas

Resumo: Smoking has been described as the main risk factor in the development of malignant and premalignant lesions in the oral mucosa, and alcohol consumption, on the other hand, is cited as a strong potential agent in triggering cancerous lesions. The study aimed to evaluate the frequency of micronuclei in exfoliative cells of the oral mucosa of smokers and alcoholics, comparing them with non-exposed individuals. Forty volunteers were selected and distributed in 4 groups containing individuals exposed to smoking and alcohol and not exposed. To determine the micronucleus frequency, the micronucleus assay technique was used in oral mucosal cells. The cells examined were collected using cytobrush brush and stained with Feulgen/Fast-green techniques. In the present study, the frequency of micronuclei in the groups exposed to tobacco and alcohol genotoxicity was significantly higher (P < 0.01) when compared to the control group. The association between alcohol and tobacco increased the appearance of micronucleus in the continuous users of these two substances (P < 0.05). Smokers and consumers of alcoholic beverages present higher amounts of cytotoxic damage to oral mucosa cells caused by the action of carcinogens present in cigarette smoke and alcohol. Keywords: micronucleus, genotoxicity, cancer, smoking, alcohol. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo