Início Elaboração de hambúrguer de carne bovina com adição de farinha de sorgo
análises tecnológicas

Elaboração de hambúrguer de carne bovina com adição de farinha de sorgo
The hamburger is a food very appreciated and consumed by the population of diverse age groups. In order to improve the nutritional quality of this meat product the objective is to develop a hamburger with different amounts of sorghum flour: 2.5; 5.0; 7.5 and 10% and indicators of physical, chemical, microbiological and sensory properties. The hamburgers presented microbiological levels according to the one recommended by the Brazilian Legislation and pH values (5.64-5.72) suitable for meat products, showing that the product is suitable for consumption. The results of the oven humidity characteristics at 105 °C for 5 hours showed that the cooked hamburger of the F4 formulation obtained a higher humidity (63.02%) than the other samples. In the parameter color (L*, a* and b*) it was observed that the higher the concentration of flour, the more intense the color of the hamburger. Instrumental analysis of the shear force showed that the addition of sorghum flour did not significantly affect the texture of the burgers having formulation 1 having a texture of 1.80 kgf/s and formulation 4 having a texture of 1.86 kgf/s. The baking values showed that the hamburgers with the highest percentage of sorghum flour had a higher moisture retention capacity (92.66%), with a higher yield (89.14%) and a lower shrinkage of the samples with a higher amount of flour (9.48%) contributing to greater succulence. The sensorial analysis using the nine-point hedonic scale, with 103 consumers, found that all the evaluated attributes (overall evaluation, color, taste, texture, purchase intention) had in the 4 formulations presented, good sensory acceptance and purchase intension, but formulation 2 was the best accepted by consumers.
Keywords: hamburger; sorghum flour; technological analysis, acceptability.
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