Início Índices hematimétricos associado as parasitoses intestinais no Município de Breves, Ilha do...

Índices hematimétricos associado as parasitoses intestinais no Município de Breves, Ilha do Marajó, Pará
Introduction: Intestinal parasites, especially in underdeveloped countries, constitute a major health problem, which are caused by protozoa and helminths resulting from inadequate socio-sanitary conditions in which the population is inserted. Objective: To identify the incidence of intestinal parasites and their relationship with anemia in a population of Bairro Jardim Tropical, Breves - PA. Material and Methods: Cross-sectional study performed through stool examinations by direct and Hoffman methods, structured questionnaire, and blood collection for hematological analysis, being collected from 83 samples of local residents. Results: The study showed 30.1% (25/83) of the samples collected with blood counts suggestive of anemia. The results showed a positivity of 75.6% (63/83), with the majority of infected females being 65% (41/63), against 34.9% (22/63) of males. Regarding the intensity of infections, polyparasitism 73% (46/63) prevailed compared to monoparasitism 26.9% (17/63). Additionally, a higher incidence of protozoa than helminths was observed, with pathogenic protozoa as etiological agents: Entamoeba histolytica/ E. dispar 46% (29/63) and Giardia intestinalis 7.9% (5/63). For helminths, the highest incidence was Trichuris Trichiura 31.7% (20/63), followed by Ascaris lumbricoides 20.6% (13/63). Furthermore, a high incidence of non-pathogenic protozoa was found, such as: Entamoeba coli, Endolimax nana, Iodamoeba butschlii and Blastocistis hominis. Final considerations: The results reinforce the need to implement effective public policies, aimed at guaranteeing quality basic sanitation to the population.
Keywords: anemia, Amazon, enteroparasites, ribeirinho, basic sanitation.
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