Início Estudo da utilização de antimicrobianos em uma população

Estudo da utilização de antimicrobianos em uma população
Introduction: Antimicrobials are natural or synthetic substances capable of destroying or inhibiting microorganisms. The indiscriminate use of these drugs in people of any age or gender is one of the causes of bacterial resistance. The health professional, especially the pharmacist, must have very broad knowledge to guide patients in relation to the indiscriminate use of antimicrobials, because as a result of incorrect use there can be adverse reactions, bacterial resistance and an increase in hospital admissions, in addition to these factors can lead the patient to death. In hospitals, being the gateway to infections, the use of antimicrobials increases, as a result the length of stay can also be longer. As for the prescription, it is necessary for the physician to have notions of infections, because when antimicrobials are no longer effective, infections suffer progression, without having a therapeutic action to fight them. Side effects can be seen in anyone, some are more susceptible to symptoms. To reduce misuse, it is necessary that the pharmacist provides adequate assistance and guidance to the patient. The aim of this study was to analyse how antimicrobials are used, determining which are the most consumed. This is a cross-sectional descriptive research that approached people who used antimicrobials, this research was intended to address from how they were prescribed to their administration and side effects. Material and methods: The instrument used for data collection was a questionnaire with open and closed questions with the aim of tracing the profile of the people interviewed and evaluating the use of antimicrobials. The questionnaire had 28 questions, in which patients were asked about sex, age, family income, marital status, education, alcohol consumption, physical exercise, smoking, health problems, continuous use medication, use of antimicrobials, prescriptions, side effects and tests, for the classification of drugs, the ATC standards were used. Results and discussion: In this study 67 people participated, where it was possible to observe that 60 (89.6%) people used antimicrobials in 2017. Final considerations: It is concluded that most respondents had a prescription for the use of antimicrobials, which is an important factor in the proper treatment, and it is also important, at the time of dispensing the antimicrobial, that the pharmacist guide the patients, avoiding indiscriminate use, which generate bacterial resistance, adverse reactions, increased hospital admissions and numerous serious causes.
Keywords: antimicrobials, bacteria, antibiotics, bacterial infections.
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O papel do farmacêutico no controle do uso racional de antimicrobianos em drogarias
Introduction: The ability of bacterial resistance to antibiotics is characterized as the possibility of a bacterium to survive in concentrations of antibiotics that inhibit others of the same species. Review: This study is a literature review based on the synthesis of the main studies published in LILACS and MEDLINE that are part of the Virtual Health Library – VHL collection database. The increase in pathogenic microorganisms that resist antimicrobials due to their infectious potential is increasingly progressive. Once the antimicrobial is prescribed by the responsible physician, the pharmacist is responsible for instructing the administration of the same, which will provide greater safety and efficiency during the patient's treatment. Discussion: To reduce the incidence of antibiotic resistance due to inappropriate use, it is important that the patient has adequate information, especially with regard to not using self-medication. Final considerations: The pharmaceutical action is important in the correct orientation of antimicrobials, being a great challenge. It is essential that you actively participate in the use of medications and provide the patient with the necessary information about antibiotic therapy.
Keywords: antimicrobials, resistance, pharmaceutical.
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