aparelho estomatognático

Estrutura e função: inter-relação fonoaudiológica e odontológica na reabilitação do sistema estomatognático

Resumo: Introduction: The stomatognathic apparatus consists of specific structures of the head and neck that perform important and vital functions. The joint work between speech therapy and dentistry has been very evident in the literature and shows promising results. This study aims to emphasize the contribution of speech therapy and dentistry in the treatment of disorders of the stomatognathic system, as well as the importance of joint action between these sciences. Review: The stomatognathic apparatus, also known as the stomatognathic system, gets its name from the connection between the oral cavity and the mandible. The functions of this device are closely linked to orofacial and mandibular development. The structure of the stomatognathic system consists of the bones of the maxilla, mandible and temporal. Speech therapy, in addition to studying each structure of the stomatognathic apparatus, also focuses on the physiological order of each structural part, such as what are the responsible elements that allow chewing, that contribute to phonation (formation of phonemes) and which nerves act in chewing among other activities. Discussion: For the speech therapist and the dentist to present efficient clinical results, directed to the diagnosis and prognosis of patients with disorders of the stomatognathic system, a vast anatomical knowledge of the head and neck is necessary. Final considerations: Based on the reports, the importance of joint care between speech therapy and dentistry in the treatment of pathologies that compromise the stomatognathic apparatus was confirmed. Speech therapy is responsible for the functional rehabilitation (function) of the stomatognathic apparatus (chewing, swallowing, speech, voice, phonation and breathing) and dentistry deals with the structural part (surgery, repositioning of the maxilla and mandible, alignment and dental adjustment among other activities). The main joint actions are in the orthodontic, buccomaxillofacial, prosthesis and surgery specialties. Keywords: stomatognathic apparatus, speech therapy, dentistry. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo