Início Uma análise do preparo e enfrentamento da equipe de enfermagem em Manaus...
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Uma análise do preparo e enfrentamento da equipe de enfermagem em Manaus para com o atendimento ao paciente em crise psicótica
Introduction: Study focused on primary care performed in patients with psychotic crises in hospitals in Manaus with the objective of characterize and analyze nursing coping with emergency care for patients with psychotic crises. Methods: A qualitative exploratory quantitative field research was carried out with 38 participants working in the field of Nursing. Results: Based on research analysis where female participants predominated, insecurity and lack of ability in the face of psychotic crisis stood out. Conclusion: Good primary care is of utmost importance for the hospital system, the need for continuing education was evidenced, providing conditions and preparation for emergency psychiatric care, encouraging cordial and humanized care for patients with mental disorders.
Keywords: nursing assistance, primary care, patient in psychotic crisis.
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Hábitos de vida dos pacientes com linfoma não Hodgkin: Revisão Integrativa
Introduction: Cancer is a pathological process that begins when an abnormal cell is transformed by DNA mutation. Lymphomas account for about 3% of all cancer cases worldwide. There are no guidelines for lymphoma prevention, as the cause is generally unknown, more common in men than in women. Objective: To analyze and describe the scientific publications about the life habits of patients with cancer and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Methods: The survey was performed in the period of September and November of 2018, in LILACS, BDENF and SCIELO. Published in the period 2012 to 2018, using the DeCS descriptors: neoplasms, cancer, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, all associated with the Boolean operator. Results: Cancer became a relevant health factor for evaluation in the quality of life of the individual who has it, since, due to its complications, this disease acts as a hindrance to the permanence of a routine defined by the pretensions and / or needs of the patients. patients, most often resulting in negative aspects. Conclusion: Cancer has been gradually changing from being seen as a fatal disease and is seen as a chronic disease, configuring what epidemiologists call the epidemiological transition.
Keywords: Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma; Neoplasms; Nursing care.
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