Assistência odontológica

Alterações estomatognáticas da microcefalia causada por Zika Vírus: Revisão de Literatura

Resumo: Zika Virus is an arbovirus capable of causing fetal brain anomalies associated with maternal infection. These occur in the first two gestational trimesters; among them stands out microcephaly, a neurological disorder whose occiptofrontal perimeter is below the average for race, age and sex. The discovery of Zika as a new etiological factor for microcephaly alerts the health system, due to the epidemic that occurred in Brazil in 2015. The purpose of this study was to perform a literature review on the main stomatognathic alterations in microcephaly by Zika Virus and its importance for dentistry, as well as the benefits of this practice to such patients. A bibliographic survey was performed using scientific articles in English and Portuguese, published in the last 10 years, with the aid of scientific platforms such as Pubmed and Scielo. Although there are few scientific papers addressing Microcephaly by Zika and its orofacial effects, we conclude that the knowledge of this congenital infection and its orofacial alterations by the dental surgeon is indispensable to offer higher quality in the treatment of microcephaly, adapting the clinical conduct to the individual needs, always allying to a multiprofessional approach. Keywords: Microcephaly, Zika virus, Orofacial abnormalities, Dental care. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo