Início Efeitos agudos do EzPAP® terapia de expansão pulmonar: vantagens e desvantagens
Atelectasia pulmonar

Efeitos agudos do EzPAP® terapia de expansão pulmonar: vantagens e desvantagens
Introduction: Restrictive lung diseases affect about 12% of the general population and cause a reduction in lung expansion. They are characterized by decreased vital capacity and lung volumes. The EzPAP® is a non-invasive respiratory physiotherapy device, indicated for pulmonary expansion. Objective: To detail the acute effects of EzPAP®, its advantages and disadvantages for pulmonary expansion. Methodology: This is an integrative review of a clinical nature. A search was performed in the databases MedLine, LILACS, Pedro Scientific Eletronic Library online (Scielo), United States National Library of Medicine (PubMed) and Cochrane Controlled. The search period was from March to October 2020. Articles published in the last 10 years were included, without language restrictions. Repeated articles and publications that were not included in databases were excluded. For the selection of articles, the methodology was structured in five phases: (1) Identification of the theme, (2) Search of the subject in the databases, (3) Categorization of studies, (4) Evaluation and (5) Interpretation of the studies results. Three independent reviewers participated in the investigation. Disagreements about inclusion were resolved through a second analysis and consensus of the pre-selected study. Results: 22 studies were found, of which 16 were excluded, as they did not describe a methodological design and for including other clinical conditions other than acute respiratory failure in adults. Thus, 6 studies were included that met the criteria established for the primary outcome. Final Considerations: The most frequent acute effects were the shorter hospital stay, prevention and treatment of pulmonary atelectasis, reduction of dyspnea, hypoxemia and hypercapnia. Few studies have explored and highlighted the disadvantages of EzPAP®, and some had important limitations, with no data on the percentage and relative amount of improvement or worsening of the participants' health status.
Keywords: Pulmonary atelectasis, Physiotherapy, Respiratory failure, Physiotherapy modality, Positive pressure breathing, Respiratory care units.
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