
Políticas públicas para a saúde do idoso – uma análise acerca das atuais políticas públicas voltadas para o idoso

Resumo: This article aims to discuss about public policies that are aimed at the elderly in Brazil. Thus, this discussion is necessary because many elderly people still feel discriminated against in our country, because often the treatment given to them in society does not correspond with their reality. Many elderly people can still contribute a lot to the growth of our society and can also engage in the labor market, with the exception of those who have some pathology. Old age is not a disease, but a natural process of the human being that does not prevent them from thinking and acting in society. Our discussion is based on the Statute of the Elderly and on authors such as Soares (2012), Boneti (1997), among others who are dedicated to the study of the theme. Keywords: elderly, elderly health, public policies, autonomy. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo