
Avaliação do processo de monitoria da disciplina de cinesiologia nos dias atuais: relato de experiência

Resumo: Introduction: Monitoring is a form of teaching that greatly contributes to the understanding and learning of students in their academic training. Academic monitoring seeks to assist in the teaching-learning process by providing a diversified environment, reinforcing contents seen in classes, so that students in training can better assimilate the knowledge that will be charged in partial assessments. Results and discussion: As a result, the knowledge and skills acquired with the guiding teacher and monitored students are integrated with the intellectual and social load of the student monitor, revealing new horizons and academic perspectives. Monitoring in higher education, in addition to enriching the monitor's academic training, promotes experiences that provide the monitor student with personal and professional growth. Experience is necessary for the construction of a quality teaching-learning process. Keywords: evaluation, monitoring, kinesiology. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo