Início Cirurgia bariátrica e câncer gástrico: uma revisão sistemática
câncer gástrico

Cirurgia bariátrica e câncer gástrico: uma revisão sistemática
: Introduction: Studies show that there is a correlation between waist circumference and visceral fat with a higher risk for cancer of the esophageal-gastric junction. The risk of gastric cancer after bariatric surgery has also not been established. The aim of this work is to conduct a systematic literature review to investigate the relation between gastric cancer and bariatric surgery Review: The research was carried out in the SciELO, MEDLINE and Google Scholar databases, using the PubMed search engine. The keywords were: "gastric cancer" AND "bariatric surgery", with selected publications from the last five years (since 2016), English or Portuguese and human trials. Discussion: A total of eight publications were selected, four of which were obtained from the MEDLINE database and four from Google Scholar. It was seen that few studies address the proposed topic, which indicates that the between gastric cancer and bariatric surgery is still little discussed and little is known about whether there is a correlation between them. Most studies suggest that post-bariatric surgery cancer is a rare condition. However, it is known that many cases are not reported or have been poorly studied, which may interfere with epidemiological data. Final considerations: There is a possibility of post-bariatric cancer, which is often not diagnosed due to nonspecific symptoms. There is a need for further studies on this relation, as the number of bariatric surgeries is increasing and at the same time incomplete data or underdiagnosis of cancer in these patients has been reported.
Keywords: gastric cancer, bariatric surgery, obesity.
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Perfil clínico epidemiológico do câncer gástrico: revisão integrativa
Introduction: Stomach Cancer (or Gastric Cancer) is the growth of abnormal cells in the organ of this digestive system and can occur anywhere in its extension. Much of this type of tumor occurs in the mucous layer (the inner lining layer), appearing in the form of irregular small lesions with ulcerations (rupture of the mucous tissue) - characteristics of cancers or malignant tumors. Objective: To characterize the clinical epidemiological profile of gastric cancer in patients with the disease. Revision: It is an integrative review developed in five stages: careful search in the LILACS and MEDLINE databases; selection of articles, dissertations, theses and monographs according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria of the proposed theme; analysis of articles, dissertations, theses and monographs, which will be suitable in categories according to the approach; year of publication, which will be the type of study and journal in which it was published; construction of the article and public defense of it. Results: In this integrative review, 04 articles were analyzed that met the inclusion criteria previously established. Final considerations: The research showed the highest incidence of gastric cancer in males between the ages of 40 and 60, but this incidence has been decreasing, according to some recent articles, the choice of healthy eating habits and the decrease in consumption of alcoholic beverages and smoking habits, are favorable factors for the decline of this pathology.
Keywords: adenocarcinoma, stomach cancer, feeding behavior, stomach neoplasms, health promotion, digestive system.
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