
Identificação de traços psicopáticos em crianças

Resumo: This study aims to investigate the possible traits of antisocial personality disorder in childhood, discusses the behavioral deviation that deviates from pre-established social standards, assesses whether there is a traumatic social or family correlation related to the inserted environment that can stimulate the development of this psychopathological disorder in search of understanding and discussing the subject from a contextual point of view, the research will be carried out through a bibliographical review, it will be exploratory, applied and qualitative in nature, with the purpose of improving and updating knowledge. The analysis of the theme is necessary due to the behavior of children who have antisocial personality disorder traits since childhood, since it is an irreversible disorder, psychosocial, educational and inclusive interventions will be addressed that are differentiated for these children. So that early investigation intervenes in the model of behavior to be analyzed, helping family members to conduct the processes of behavioral identifications and help in the treatment of this disorder Keywords: Psychopathy, personality, disorder, childhood, behavior, analysis. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Após o fim de um relacionamento amoroso: uma revisão narrativa

Resumo: Introduction: Relationships are considered extremely important and constitute part of the formation, maturation and development process of human life. Objective: Therefore, this article aims to understand the possible impacts of ending love relationships and their emotional and behavioral implications in the subject's life. Method: To this end, a narrative literature review was carried out divided into three stages, the first: the initial search process, the second: the exclusion of articles without the eligible criteria for inclusion, and the third: full reading of the remaining articles. 32 articles were chosen for the final sample of this study. Results: In view of the evidence systematically collected, it can be seen that the changes in the post-breakup of a love relationship, at a psychological level, can be understood in two ways: positive and negative. Standing out in the first: feeling of relief, positive memories, feeling of freedom, and in the second: the prevalence of anxiety, depression, anguish, anger, sadness, grief, low self-esteem and the feeling of helplessness. Regarding behavioral changes, harassment, provocation and criminal behaviors were noticeable. Final considerations: It is concluded, therefore, that love relationships have significant implications in the life of those who pass by, especially from the point of view of negative psychological and behavioral impacts, despite considerable positive psychological effects that are subject to further investigation. In addition, by mapping the findings about the psychological and behavioral implications of the end of a love relationship, it became possible to organize in a single place the main findings that corroborate for the elucidation and expansion of the debate regarding this theme, resulting, therefore, in greater accessibility to this information, especially in the context of Brazilian literature. Keywords: psychological distress, romantic relationship, romantic relationship breakup, psychological symptoms, behavior. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo