cuidados paliativos

Diretivas antecipadas de vontade: assistência aos pacientes em estado de finitude em Oncologia

Resumo: INTRODUCTION: Advance directives of will, documents that guarantee the preservation of the patient's autonomy, enabling the consent or refusal of certain treatments in the finitude stage of life. REVIEW: Integrative literature review study, and exploratory descriptive research. Articles with 5 years of publication, in Portuguese, whose main subject are advance directives of will, autonomy, terminality and palliative care are included. DISCUSSION: of the results obtained during a research carried out for the following study, three ideas were elaborated: Advance directives of communication, Dignity and autonomy and its relation with AD, Challenges in the applicability AD. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: The importance of greater publicity regarding what is referred to as Advance Directives of Will and the advantages of their applicability is evidenced. It was found in the literature, the lack of knowledge of the general public and health professionals on a subject, which consequently, raises the lack of a respectful dialogue with family members and patients, regarding their rights and preservation of self-determination, depriving the patient, or adherence to end-of-life treatments. Keywords: advance directives of will, autonomy, palliative care, terminality. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

A atuação do enfermeiro no acompanhamento de pacientes oncológicos sob cuidados paliativos

Resumo: Introduction: Oncology is the area of cancer-related research. The most advanced stage of cancer can lead to the terminal state, which is a time when the disease becomes "unrecoverable" for the nursing team, heading towards death without anyone being able to do anything to change its destiny, except how it goes spend your final moments. Objective: To analyze the scientific evidence related to nurses' interventions in cancer patients during the terminal phase. Methodology: This is an integrative review. Open access scientific articles published in scientific journals between 2013 and 2021 were categorized. At the end of the evaluation stages, we selected 7 articles that enabled the execution of this study. Results and discussion: Three main pieces of information were identified regarding the work of nurses for palliative care, which are: importance of nursing communication in palliative patient care; the pharmacological and non-pharmacological care procedures performed by nurses; and the main professional difficulties that nurses face in patient care. Conclusion: Communication is the basis of nurses' work in palliative care. The uses of treatments aim to reduce the patient's symptoms and pain, increasing their quality of life during their final moments. And among the challenges, the service overload, the lack of resources and protocols to perform palliative care and the possibility of suffering the impacts of the negative feelings that the patient and family have at that time stand out. Keywords: palliative care, nursing, Oncology. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo