Desafios do enfermeiro

Desafios do enfermeiro no atendimento à gestante adolescente com ações educativas na estratégia da saúde da família

Resumo: INTRODUCTION: Teenage pregnancy represents a social phenomenon, even with the amount of information on health education. OBJECTIVE: to identify the challenges faced by nurses in care in the ESF to promote educational actions for pregnant adolescents. REVIEW: an integrative review, based on studies published in the Virtual Health Database. DISCUSSION: Adolescents have little information and are not psychologically prepared for the entire prenatal process, however teenage pregnancy is accompanied by many consequences, for this needs to be monitored. The professional's unpreparedness, the differences in the work environment and the lack of resources are the main challenges faced by the demand. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: The results found showed the challenges of nurses and their association with teenage pregnancy. However, the challenges need to be further studied and researched more widely. From this perspective, it is important to promote concrete proposals on educational actions that talk about sexuality, family planning and basic rights for pregnant adolescents. Keywords: Nurse's Challenges; Adolescent Pregnancy; Health Education; Family Health Strategy. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo