Disfunção Cognitiva

Estudo de casos múltiplos para identificação de alterações cognitivas em pacientes pós-infecção por COVID-19

Resumo: BACKGROUND: The extent of the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic for patients who survived the infection still needs to be evaluated, both in physical terms and in terms of psychological functioning. OBJECTIVE: This research aimed to investigate possible cognitive changes after being infected by COVID-19. METHODS: 3 case studies were carried out with participants who had COVID-19, with no history of cognitive difficulties prior to the infection. In each case, a Psychological Assessment process was carried out consisting of life history, anamnesis and application of the Wechsler Abbreviated Intelligence Scale and the Brazilian version of the Bells Cancellation Test. RESULTS: The results showed that all participants had post-COVID-19 cognitive changes, especially changes in executive functions that were significant and independent of the severity of symptoms presented during the period of COVID-19 involvement. CONCLUSIONS: All participants have a history of successful professional and social performance, with significant changes after the COVID-19 infection, corroborating the literature regarding the potential neurological effects of the new coronavirus. Keywords: SARS-CoV-2, Cognitive Dysfunction, Applied Psychology. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo