disfunção sexual feminina

Benefícios da fisioterapia pélvica nas disfunções sexuais femininas e na qualidade de vida: revisão integrativa

Resumo: Background: Sexual dysfunctions are characterized as any disorder that will have effects and / or will cause damage to the female sexual function that directly impact the quality of life and affective food relationships. Objective: The aim of this research was to carry out an integrative review with a view to proving the benefits of pelvic physiotherapy in the treatment of female sexual dysfunction and quality of life. Revision: This is an integrative literature review study, with bibliographic search of published articles published, Latin American and Caribbean platforms in Health Sciences (LILACS), Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online - (MEDLINE / PUBMED ), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO), Sciencedirect and Mendeley, combined in English and Portuguese. The search took place between January and June 2021 and the year of publication was not used as a selection criterion. Discussion: The initial search found 28,100 titles, which, after cc, were reduced to just 560 articles. Of these, only 7 were consistent with the survey. Final considerations: Based on this research, it identifies that pelvic physiotherapy plays a key role in the treatment of female sexual dysfunctions (FSD), and in improving the quality of life, since as FSD they change not only the woman's physical structures, but also psychological and social. Keywords: sexual dysfunction, physiotherapy, quality of life. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo