Início Uso indiscriminado dos opioides e suas consequências
efeitos toxicológicos

Uso indiscriminado dos opioides e suas consequências
Introduction: Opioids belong to a class of drugs used as analgesics for acute and chronic pain, are classified as natural, semi-synthetic and synthetic. They are prescribed in the treatment of postoperative pain and chronic when there is no response of common or weaker analgesics being effective in painful managements, however the use indiscriminately rings several health risks both physical and psychological. Review: From the methodology, 34 articles were selected because they were in accordance with the theme. This is a systematic literature review the search was done through the Google Academic and Scientific Electronic Library Online databases. Discussion: They are drugs widely administered for their powerful and rapid action, however, the adverse effects of opioids are also common, among them: respiratory depression, constipation, itching, drowsiness and nausea/vomiting. Prescribing opioids consciously and rationally is still a challenge for trained health professionals. Final considerations: Pharmacists may contribute to adequate prescriptions of opioids also understanding the needs of access to opioids so more research on pain and the disorder of the abuse of these drugs is essential, constant reinforcement in the education of prescribers and guarantee access to effective treatments of these medicines.
Keywords: toxicological effects, opioids, indiscriminate use.
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