
A contribuição da psicologia no processo de adoção

Resumo: This article denotes part of the studies related to the Final Work (TF), defended in 2018, at the Center University of Northern (Uninorte). Psychology makes its great contribution in the most diverse social contexts, in the understanding of the subject, whether related to his way of being, in the development of family and social dynamics, and also of the new family outlines and arrangements. Psychology plays a crucial role in this process, since adoption also includes the legal aspect; which is a specialty that applies the knowledge of psychology to the field of law. The study presents an integrative literature review in order to highlight the contribution of psychology in the adoption process, a context experienced by children and adolescents, and by parents, candidates for adoption. The study aims to analyze the role of the psychologist, from the opening of the adoption process to the release of the filing of the adoption action, where it contributes significantly to psychosocial care and adoption processes. The review of articles related to the theme was guided by the descriptors "adoption, family and psychology". The results show great advances in research on adoption and significant changes, but that the child is still stigmatized in the face of a lengthy and bureaucratic process, as well as scenarios in which there is a compromise in creating bonds between the child and the adopter, in addition to problems concerning the idealization by both parties, in which there is a distorted idea of reality. Issues related to the new family configurations were also detected, with same-sex couples inserted in the adoption process, and relying on the support of psychology to demystify socially established concepts. Based on scientific evidence, it is concluded that the contribution of psychology is fundamental for the correct construction of family bonds and support in dealing with the emotional burden during the process and adoption, by both parties. Keywords: adoption, family, psychology. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo