Início Assistência farmacêutica em unidades hospitalares em tempos de pandemia - uma revisão...
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Assistência farmacêutica em unidades hospitalares em tempos de pandemia – uma revisão integrativa
Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic imposed on hospital pharmacists the need to plan and organize a response to the challenges brought about by the disease. Pharmacists exercise fundamental activities in the context of the pandemic, either through the supply of medicines or the provision of pharmaceutical services. Managing pharmacies, hospitals or community, in times of SARS-CoV-2 is a new challenge. The hospital pharmacy has been facing several challenges in the face of the pandemic scenario and, in order to continue offering a quality service to the population, it was necessary to adopt coping strategies and adapt their activities. Thus, this research aims to highlight the importance of pharmacists and pharmacies within hospital units, considering the specificities of the pandemic of COVID-19. Review: This is an exploratory bibliographic review, through an integrative review. The collection of scientific data and the systematization of information come from scientific productions published from 2018 to 2021, in Portuguese, indexed in the database of the BVS, LILACS and SCIELO. Discussion: Hospital pharmacists had to restructure the service in response to COVID-19, considering the need to protect the teams, so that there is no compromise in the care activity and support for medical action and, simultaneously, provide an effective response to the new reality, not neglecting the component of reviewing and monitoring the use of health technologies and active pharmacovigilance of drugs used in the treatment of COVID-19. Final Remarks: It was found that the concept of hospital pharmacy goes beyond a sector of custody of medicines, being a department that adds value to other sectors of the hospital. Thus, the research findings allowed us to conclude that pharmacists, when working in hospital pharmacies, can collaborate with the multiprofessional health team, monitoring the use of medicines and the clinical evolution of patients, since the off-label use of medicines is a current reality that can cause serious damage to the health of individuals.
Keywords: pharmaceutical assistance, pharmacist, hospital pharmacy, pandemic.
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