farmácia viva

Farmácia viva, o cuidado farmacêutico nas unidades básicas de saúde no Nordeste

Resumo: Introduction: This article reports the importance of live pharmacies in primary care, pointing out their trajectory and their contribution to the Unified Health System (SUS) through the insertion of herbal medicines through Ordinance No. 886, developing the cultivation, collection and processing of regional medicinal plants safely and effectively in handling and dispensing practices, thus meeting the epidemiological profile of the population. Review: To carry out the article, the methods and results used for the study were structured in the narrative bibliographic review that uses electronic databases as a research source, such as Academic Google, Scientific Electronic Lirary Online (Scielo), Revista de Saúde and Government Sites such as the Ministry of Health and Anvisa between 2004 and 2021 in Portuguese. Discussion: The importance of pharmaceutical care together with the multiprofessionals who form the basis of Pharmacy Viva is highlighted, making its writing relevant to increase knowledge about the program and the difficulties faced for the continuity of the service. Final Considerations: It is concluded that the topic is extremely important for users of the Unified Health System (SUS), as it describes the importance of Live Pharmacy and pharmaceutical care in primary care, ensuring greater quality for the user during their access to medicinal plants and herbal medicines. Keywords: medicinal plants, live pharmacy, phytotherapy, ethnopharmacology, primary care and pharmaceutical assistance. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo