Fundação Municipal de Esporte e Lazer

Implantação da Psicologia do Esporte no Município de Itajaí: Atuação do psicólogo junto a Fundação Municipal de Esporte e Lazer (FMEL)

Resumo: Introduction: In view of the relevance of the new science of sports training called Sports Psychology that has fundamental importance to the athletes with regard to the optimization of sport performance, the present project aims to implement Sport Psychology in the Municipality of Itajaí together the FMEL. Review: It is a bibliographical review article with a descriptive character that points out that the biopsychosocial aspect considers mental health as important as physics in relation to the emotions and mental structures of the athletes. Discussion: Sport psychology is considered a study of the behavioral and emotional factors that influence and are influenced by sports performance. Final considerations: It is observed that the psychologist's role in the psychic health of a sports team develops starting from the emotions experienced by the athletes in their daily lives. Keywords: Municipal Sports and Leisure Foundation, implementation, sports psychology. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo