Início Tratamento de câncer em gestantes: Estudo de Revisão de Relatos de Casos

Tratamento de câncer em gestantes: Estudo de Revisão de Relatos de Casos
Introduction: Cancer is a group with more than 100 pathologies, which have disordered growth, invading tissues and organs, and are named according to the type of cell and tissue in which they start. The diagnosis of cancer during pregnancy is considered a delicate situation, because it generates suffering for the patient and family and challenging health professionals because it is a rare event. The work aims to present the pharmacological treatments and conducts adopted in cancer in pregnant women, through articles of case reports. Review: The research was conducted based on searches in the Pubmed and Scielo databases, with the keywords in English, pregnancy, cervical cancer, vulvar cancer, ovarian cancer and endometrial cancer, and their respective terms in Portuguese and Spanish. Being the search period from May 1, 2019 to February 28, 2020, articles published between 2005 to 2019 are considered valid, using abstracts and research results from 8 case reports as inclusion and exclusion criteria. Discussion and final considerations: It suggests that the treatment adopted, follow the same criteria as non-pregnant women, however the little literature makes it difficult to choose the best therapy and demonstrates the need for a multidisciplinary team, as well as the importance of the pharmacist in choosing the most appropriate therapy, according to the pregnant woman's staging.
Keywords: pregnant woman, cancer, chemotherapy, case reports.
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