Início Situação da gestão de saúde da população brasileira durante a pandemia covid-19:...

Situação da gestão de saúde da população brasileira durante a pandemia covid-19: Uma revisão integrativa
INTRODUCTION: The challenges faced during the pandemic were even greater in Brazil, due to the precariousness of the public health systems, not to mention the combination of social disproportion, with precarious housing and sanitation conditions, where most of the population has inaccessible items basics like drinking water. OBJECTIVE: This work aims to carry out an integrative review on the impacts caused by the covid-19 pandemic on health management in Brazil. REVIEW AND DISCUSSION: The present study refers to an Integrative Literature Review (IRL), based on scientific evidence, 18 articles were examined that responded to the insertion and removal criteria inserted in its formulation. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: All selected studies refer to the performance of management in the face of the covid-19 pandemic, and as managers and workers who actively acted on the front line, dealing with challenges and emerging situations, and what decision-making and preparing the SUS to deal with a pandemic. it was found that not one country in the world was prepared for a pandemic, but the way in which each government reacted to the situation in question was a reflection for others as an example, good or bad, in the case of Brazil, this reflection was bad, requiring even subnational measures so that there was urgency in the action plans to combat the pandemic, because they had to, not only fight COVID, but also maintain care for other diseases and treatments for patients, they had to support those who could not work, through a lockdown order that only did not cover essential services and that had to comply with security determinations.
Keywords: Covid-19, Management, Pandemic.
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Atuação dos auditores internos em organizações de saúde no Poder Executivo Federal Brasileiro
The article analyzes the alignment of the performance of the internal auditor with international standards, namely the statements of positioning of the internal audit, of the Institute of Internal Auditors - IIA. The materials and methods were the international standards for risk management, for governance models and for internal auditing, the Brazilian federal legislation regarding risk management and the reading and analysis of published research on the performance of internal auditing. The methodological procedures were carried out through bibliographic research and empirical data collection, through semi-structured interviews and recorded in audio. As a result of the collection of bibliographic and empirical data, it was possible to understand the internal audit practices in Brazilian federal entities in the area of health. Finally, we consider, based on international norms, bibliographic review and empirical studies, that the functions performed by the internal audit, according to the participants' perception, are aligned with the applicable international norms and standards.
Keywords: public, health, auditor, internal, management, risk.
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