Início O marco sanitário na alimentação escolar: um estudo dos agricultores participantes do...
habilitação sanitária

O marco sanitário na alimentação escolar: um estudo dos agricultores participantes do PNAE em Ladainha/MG
This work presents part of the studies related to the Master's thesis in Rural Studies at the Federal University of Vales do Jequitinhonha and Mucuri (UFVJM). The methodology adopted was Content Analysis of interviews conducted with family farmers participating in the National School Feeding Program (PNAE) in the municipality of Ladainha MG. We seek to reflect on the challenges pointed out by farmers on the health adequacy of their production systems for commercialization with the PNAE, which, through Law No. 11,947 / 2009, determined the acquisition of foodstuffs produced by local family farming in school meals. Considering that this policy, in addition to guaranteeing food security in schools, encompasses the promotion of family farming, it was necessary for farmers to pay attention to the criteria set out in Resolution / RDC n ° 49/2013 that regulates the exercise of the activity of health interest of the individual microentrepreneur, rural family enterprise and economic solidarity enterprise. Such a resolution became effective in the scope of the PNAE from the year 2013, impacting farmers who already marketed to schools via PNAE since the year 2009 through Law No. 11,947. The present work aims to contribute to the discussion about the impacts that this health framework has been causing in the (non) participation of family farmers in the PNAE in Ladainha MG.
Keywords: sanitation, family farming, food security, content analysis.
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