
Efeitos adversos decorrentes da terapia prolongada com corticosteroides

Resumo: INTRODUCTION: Corticosteroids, cortisol derivative drugs, are commonly used to treat inflamatory, alergic, immunologic and oncologic diseases. Besides their benefits, they have to be carefully used because these medicine appears associated with umpteen side effects – some of then are severe and another ones are aesthetically undesirable. REVIEW: This bibliographic review shows the main side effects associated whit corticosteroid therapy. DISCUSSION: Osteoporosis, hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia, infections, cardiovascular diseases, Cushing syndrome, immunosuppression and psychiatric disorders are the most severe side effects related with systemic, prolonged or high dosage corticosteroid therapy. FINAL REMARKS: Corticosteroids are resorted to treat a huge number of health conditions. Thereat, it is necessary to recognize and comprehen all of their side effects so they can be wariness and properly prescribed. Keywords: Side effects, Corticosteoids, Corticosteroid therapy, Adrenal supression, Cushing syndrome, hyperglycemia, osteoporosis. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo