
A comunicação como estratégia de cuidado com pacientes hospitalizados

O impacto do tratamento do cliente com tuberculose internado em uma unidade hospitalar: uma revisão de literatura

Resumo: Introduction: Despite being treatable and curable, tuberculosis can evolve to the severe form that requires hospitalization of the client for an effective recovery, especially when the diagnosis of compulsory diseases is evidenced. The study aims to discuss in the literature the respiratory isolation related to the client with tuberculosis in the hospital environment. This is a literature review study, with a qualitative approach, which had the following research question: How the literature discusses respiratory isolation related to the client with tuberculosis in the hospital environment. The analyzed studies allowed the identification of the thematic unit “Respiratory isolation related to the client with tuberculosis in the hospital environment” and the following categories: 1 The view of the cost of the client with tuberculosis in the hospital environment; 2 Care for clients with tuberculosis in the hospital environment. Review and discussion: To define the search, the inclusion criteria were used: articles available in Portuguese, in the time frame from 2014 to 2018, on the Virtual Health Library website, with the descriptors: Tuberculosis; Respiratory failure; Hospitalization and from 2012 to 2018 in Google Scholar, with the study them. Final considerations: It highlighted the importance of primary care, so that the patient with tuberculosis does not complicate, as this in the hospital environment increases hospitalization costs, as well as may require unconventional treatments for the disease, either due to the multidrug resistance or the individual's aggravated condition. Keywords: client, hospitalization, respiratory failure, isolation, tuberculosis. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo