
Políticas públicas para a saúde do idoso – uma análise acerca das atuais políticas públicas voltadas para o idoso

Resumo: This article aims to discuss about public policies that are aimed at the elderly in Brazil. Thus, this discussion is necessary because many elderly people still feel discriminated against in our country, because often the treatment given to them in society does not correspond with their reality. Many elderly people can still contribute a lot to the growth of our society and can also engage in the labor market, with the exception of those who have some pathology. Old age is not a disease, but a natural process of the human being that does not prevent them from thinking and acting in society. Our discussion is based on the Statute of the Elderly and on authors such as Soares (2012), Boneti (1997), among others who are dedicated to the study of the theme. Keywords: elderly, elderly health, public policies, autonomy. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Prevalência de dor osteomuscular em idosos atendidos em uma unidade básica de saúde de Petrolina- PE

Resumo: Introduction: The population is aging slightly, given this process, there are problems such as musculoskeletal diseases. The objective was to verify the prevalence of musculoskeletal pain in the elderly assisted at a basic health unit in the urban area of Petrolina-PE. Material and methods: The musculoskeletal pain variable was assessed using a structured questionnaire based on the general Portuguese version of the Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire (QNSO) crossculturally adapted for Brazil. Data processing and analysis were performed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 16, after insertion through double typing. Results and discussion: The prevalence of musculoskeletal pain in the elderly cared for in a basic health unit in Petrolina Pe was high, and the most referred body site was the knee area. Final considerations: More studies are needed to demonstrate this prevalence in the elderly with larger samples and covering more locations. Keywords: musculoskeletal pain, elderly, prevalence. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Desafios enfrentados por cuidadores de idosos: uma revisão integrativa

Resumo: Introduction: Caregivers are essential components for the health area, especially in chronic situations. The present study aimed to recognize the elements that cause overload in the elderly caregiver, evaluating the articles from the years 2015-2020. Review: In methodological terms, an integrative review was carried out through a bibliographic survey that took place at the Virtual Health Library (VHL), accessing the LILACS and portal and SciELO databases, and selecting 10 articles. Discussion: Among the results, there was evidence that the patient-caregiver relationship should be based on planning that considers the health of care, and that overload can be avoided when better compensation for the services provided and relay with other caregivers. Final considerations: It was concluded that the causes of burden on caregivers, predominantly, are that of the context of a greater degree of dependence on the elderly, followed by other factors such as the socioeconomic profile and the quality of health of caregiver. Keywords: caregivers, elderly, overload. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Sentimento de felicidade em idosos: o estudo AGEQOL

Resumo: Introduction: In Latin America we observe the growth of the share of elderly people in the population. In Brazil, the age group of people over 65 grew from 3.5 in 1970 to 5.5% in 2000; and the 2010 census counted more than 20 million elderly people aged 60 and over, and this corresponds to 10.78% of the population. In this study, we aim to identify the factors that influence the feeling of happiness in the elderly. Materials and methods: The sampling process was carried out in two stages: in the first, census sectors were selected and in the second, domiciles were selected under the criterion of sharing proportional to the size of each sector, being interviewed resident individuals with 60 years old and over, regardless of marital status or degree of kinship. The absolute and relative frequencies for all variables in relation to happiness were calculated using the chi-square test, with an acceptable margin of error of 5%. Then a logistic regression was performed with the variables that reached statistical significance below 0.25 (p<0.25). The final adjusted model kept only the variables that reached the level of 5% of statistical significance (p<0.05). The effect of the complex sample design was considered in all analyses performed using the statistical software SPSS version 18.0. Results and discussion: Participated in the study 2052 elderly, with ages ranging from 60 to 106 years. Happiness was influenced by: age, gender, schooling, marital status, religion, caregiver, ABVD, AIVD and cognitive deficit. Final considerations: The study showed that happiness in elderly can be influenced by a series of factors and each one of them must be observed with enough attention in order to improve the quality of life and well-being of this population. Keywords: well-being, active aging, happiness, elderly. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Principais fatores de riscos relacionados a queda em idosos e suas consequências: revisão integrativa

Resumo: Introduction: With the increase in life expectancy over time, there is an increase in falls resulting in fracture of the femur among the elderly. Objective: identify the main risk factors related to falls in the elderly and their consequences, so that both the government and society are aware of these risks and their consequences. Revision: As methods, an integrative literature review was carried out through the databases, VHL and SciELO using as descriptors: '' Elderly '', '' Treatment '' and '' Femoral Fracture '' associated with the Boolean operator "AND" '. Discussion: As a result, we obtained 8 publications that fit the theme, 100% of the publications developed through field research, all articles were included in this integrative review. Final considerations: t is concluded that the risk factors related to falls in the elderly and their consequences are associated with several factors, such as: age, health status of this elderly person before the fracture, among others, adding to the high effective cost of treatment and the lack a strict hospitalization protocol and surgical procedure. Keywords: accidental falls, risk factors, femoral fractures, elderly, public health, patient safety. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo