Início Panorama no ensino da Odontogeriatria na região sudeste do Brasil

Panorama no ensino da Odontogeriatria na região sudeste do Brasil
Introduction: Odontogeriatrics started to be considered a specialty of dentistry from the year 2001, and Brazil was the first to recognize it. There are 244 specialists in Odontogeriatrics: 52 in Rio de Janeiro, 79 in São Paulo, 29 in Minas Gerais and 12 in Espírito Santo. Even with 19 years of existence, the number of professionals is reduced compared to the current elderly population. It is necessary that undergraduate students have basic knowledge about the particularities of the elderly, so that they can carry out individualized treatments and act in the prevention of possible damages. Objective: to carry out a survey of data in the faculties of Dentistry of the Southeast region of Brazil, recognized by the MEC, to verify how many present the discipline of Odontogeriatria, in a mandatory or optional way. Method: We analyzed the total number of Higher Education Institutions that presented: undergraduate dentistry, the discipline of Odontogeriatrics or related subjects, and make available the curriculum matrix. It was segregated between: offering the discipline (mandatory or optional) and those that did not provide the discipline. Results: Of the 161 colleges present in this region, it was found that 64% do not have the discipline of odontogeriatrics, 30.4% have the mandatory one, and 5.6% have it as an optional subject. Bearing in mind that there are 172 specialists in Odontogeriatrics throughout this region, and that only 36% of universities train professionals with knowledge of the particularities of dental care for elderly patients. Conclusion: There is a professional lack of preparation and an inability to provide quality care to the geriatric patient.
Keywords: Geriatric Dentistry, Dental Assistance for The Elderly, Dentistry, Seniors.
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Acompanhamento farmacoterapêutico em pacientes idosos de uma entidade de longa permanência de São João Da Boa Vista – SP
Pharmacotherapeutic monitoring (PA) is a major challenge for the pharmaceutical professional and becomes an important tool to reduce medication errors, which interferes with the effectiveness of treatment, resulting in the improvement or not of health problems and quality of life. In the case of the elderly, the quality of life depends on their ability to combine emotional and physical health, because with advancing age, their functional capacity decreases, and they tend to lose their independence, thus compromising their autonomy. The objective of this study was to carry out the pharmacotherapeutic follow-up of the elderly, in order to alleviate errors related to drug treatment, resulting in an improvement in the quality of life of these patients. Material and methods: A survey was carried out using the Soap Method in which subjective data and objective data were collected, then carried out the evaluation and finally, the action plan for the identified problem. Results and discussion: Of the 10 patients interviewed, the most common pathologies were cardiovascular problems and diabetes mellitus, of the 10 patients interviewed, in 3 there was no drug interaction, however, 7 had drug interactions, referring to their pharmacological treatment, with 32% interactions severe and 68% moderate. Any unwanted effect that could interfere with and impair the patient's pharmacotherapy is defined as Drug Related Problems (DRPs). Final considerations: Pharmacotherapeutic monitoring shows the importance of inserting the pharmacist in the multidisciplinary health team, in which she can exercise and practice the knowledge acquired at graduation, in order to guarantee the efficiency of pharmacotherapy and finally improve the quality of life of patients.
Keywords: pharmacotherapeutic follow-up, elderly, drug-related problems, quality of life, SOAP.
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Riscos do uso indiscriminado de AINES em idosos
Introduction: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are among the most prescribed and marketed drugs worldwide. The increase in the number of chronic diseases in the elderly is considered one of the main diseases of the aging process, and because of this the consumption of medicines has also increased in this age group. A study conducted in several Brazilian cities shows that an average of 70-90% in this age group use medications continuously, with an average of two to five medications per person. Review: The present study is a bibliographical survey of an exploratory nature, based on the survey of secondary scientific data and the systematization of information. From databases such as SCIELO, MEDLINE, PUBMED, PUBSAUDE, Manuals of the Ministry of Health, using as cut-off date the last 20 years (2000-2020). Studies published in Spanish, Portuguese and English were considered suitable. Studies not dealing with the subject, about the elderly, self-medication or anti-inflammatory drugs, studies in other languages, or studies prior to the cut-off date were excluded from the search. Discussion: NSAIDs should be prescribed with more caution and specific orientation for each individual patient, specifically the older ones. Even with all its quality and effectiveness in the treatment of pain and inflammation of chronic diseases. The sale of this class of drugs needs to be more restricted, and the easy access to this class in drugstores contributes to indiscriminate use and the worsening of the general health condition of the elderly, who already have some disease in their clinical diagnosis, contributing to possible drug interactions. Final considerations: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can cause several risks to the patient's health if not used correctly. It is necessary to pay special attention to the dispensation and orientation of the elderly patient on the correct use of the drug and possible interventions with other methods to treat their diseases
Keywords: anti-inflammatorium, idoses, indiscriminated use, health risks, adverse reactions.
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