instrumentos de medida

Qualidade de vida dos profissionais de enfermagem que conciliam trabalho e estudo em um centro universitário privado na cidade de Recife/PE

Resumo: Introduction: A quality of life according to the World Health Organization (WHO) is a perception of the individual when his position of life in his life and his value system without which he is inserted, in relation to his objectives, of life and concerns. The objective was to evaluate the factors that interfere in the quality of life of nursing professionals that reconcile work and study. Centro Universitário Estácio do Recife / PE. Characterize the socioeconomic profile of these nursing students and identify the stressors that interfere in quality of life. Material and methods: A descriptive exploratory cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach was carried out at Estácio University Center in Recife-PE. The population was composed of graduate undergraduate nursing students duly enrolled in the 6th and 7th Periods of morning and night. In the period of October and November of 20017. Two questionnaires were used as instruments, one of the demographic data and the other of the QOL Assessment, WHOQOL-Bref. Results and discussion: Social characterization of an edition of the presented sample: female, age group of 32 to 37 years; singles; they had two children; they resided in the capital; studied from 03 to 04 days, with a workload of 10 to 15 hours per week; 01 work contract of 40 hours per week and 12x36 regime. Regarding the study of the WHOQUOL-Bref instrument, which provides, through the results, significant answers, such as: satisfaction with quality of life, living conditions; energy capacity and, on the other hand, worrying, such as: financial dissatisfaction, lack of medical treatment, among others. Final considerations: The results show the importance of implementing a strategy that aims to improve the quality of life of these nursing professionals in the physical, social, environmental and psychological domains. Keywords: quality of life, measuring instruments, health promotion. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo