Início O impacto do Omega-3 no tratamento da leucemia em crianças e adolescentes
Leucemia mieloide aguda

O impacto do Omega-3 no tratamento da leucemia em crianças e adolescentes
There are several types of neoplasms, and leukemias are the types that most affect children and adolescents. Affecting the bone marrow which is responsible for manufacturing blood formants. In Brazil, cancer represents the leading cause of death among children and adolescents aged between 1 and 19 years. This research is a literature review study and aimed to define the impact of omega-3 in the treatment of leukemia in children and adolescents. A literature review was carried out in the electronic databases PubMed and Scielo with articles published between 2009 and 2019. Studies show the importance of nutritional treatment with immunomodulators for patients with cancer, especially the use of omega-3 as a strategy to improve the clinical condition. The study results indistinctly that indistinctly considerable health benefits, including anti-inflammatory effects and antioxidant effects with the use of omega-3 fatty acids in cancer patients.
Keywords: Children, Adolescents, Acute myeloid leukemia, Immunological factors.
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