Início Efeitos da laserterapia de baixa intensidade como adjuvante no tratamento de lesão...

Efeitos da laserterapia de baixa intensidade como adjuvante no tratamento de lesão lacero contusa – Relato de Caso
INTRODUCTION: Oral injuries of patients in Intensive Care Units (ICU) are recurrent, trauma to orotracheal intubation, tube fixation position and/or excessive pressure on the tissues are well established etiological factors, and may increase the length of stay and facilitate the proliferation of infectious processes, directly impacting on hospitalization costs and outcome of the grievance. OBJECTIVE: To report a multidisciplinary treatment of blunt lacerous trauma to the tongue with the integration of photobiomodulation tissue with low power laser. CASE REPORT: A 23 year old male patient, admitted to the Intensive Care Unit, victim of multiple traumas with evolution to an extensive ulcerated lesion with areas of granulation tissue in the lower lip, extending to the internal labial mucosa, of hardened consistency and significant depth, in addition to a traumatic injury with a lacerocontusion aspect in the dorsum and belly of the tongue, treated multidisciplinary through a prototype of mouth opening maintainer and reconstructive surgery by the oral and maxillofacial team. CONCLUSION: This report demonstrated some possibilities of treatment of a traumatic injury, and its management is still a great clinical/surgical challenge in dentistry and especially for patients in intensive care units (ICU`S) and that the interdisciplinary associated with integrative therapies impact positively on the final outcome.
Keywords: Laser Therapy, Treatment, multidisciplinarity, Dentistry.
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