Início Sobrevivência e fatores prognósticos no osteossarcoma: experiência de 11 anos de Hospital...
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Sobrevivência e fatores prognósticos no osteossarcoma: experiência de 11 anos de Hospital de Câncer Paraibano
The objective was to analyze the clinical and sociodemographic profile that influenced the survival of patients with Osteosarcoma in the period from 2010 to 2021 in a regional cancer hospital, serving to contribute with regional and national data for a greater understanding of this disease. Methods Retrospective, observational and analytical cohort study. Quantitative approach, analysis of medical records of patients diagnosed with Osteosarcoma treated at a philanthropic hospital from 2010 to 2021, building survival regression models to identify predictors with statistical significance. Results Sixty-three medical records were evaluated, 63.3% male and 63.5% younger than 20 years old. Cox regression model obtained significance better than no predictor, [X2(1) = 17.137; p<0.01]. The predictors that were significant were: serum alkaline phosphatase levels at the first consultation (HR= 1.003; 95%CI= 1.001 – 1.004) and the presence of pulmonary metastasis (HR= 4.927; 95%CI= 1.756 – 13.825). Survival rate after the Cox model showed that in 5 years, patients with pulmonary metastasis have a survival rate of around 48%.
Keywords: : Osteosarcoma; Bone neoplasms; Logistic regression; Cox model.
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