Início Análise das características demográficas da autoavaliação positiva de saúde na pesquisa nacional...
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Análise das características demográficas da autoavaliação positiva de saúde na pesquisa nacional de saúde
Introduction: The different strategies used to measure health, self-assessment of health has been widely used in national epidemiological studies. In this perspective, there are differences in aspects related to health among men, women, children, young people, adults and the elderly. Objective: Was to analyze statistically the information provided by the National Health Survey on the positive self-assessment of health of individuals in the five regions of Brazil. Material and methods: This is an ecological study with the IBGE database. Best percentages of positive self-assessment were found among men in all regions. Results and discussion: There was a high and positive correlation between all variables, with the exception of the complete and incomplete middle school grade, which presented a statistically significant correlation only in relation to males (r2 = 0.85, p = 0.029), age range from 18 to 29 years (r2 = 0.96, p = 0.002) and 60 to 64 years (r2 = 0.93, p = 0.005). Only those individuals with incomplete and incomplete primary education and the elderly aged 75 years or over do not explain the total percentage of positive self-evaluation of health. Final considerations: We concluded that there are differences of sex and between the Brazilian regions in relation to the positive self-assessment of health.
Keywords: self-evaluation, health level, health inequalities, epidemiological surveys.
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