parto humanizado

Enfermagem obstétrica e o parto humanizado

Resumo: Introduction: Childbirth care has undergone changes, becoming highly technological. This technocratic model is very ingrained in professional practices, valuing technology as a sign of successful delivery, leading to the indiscriminate use of unnecessary interventionist practices, in addition to inhumane care. Review: The objective of the article was to identify how nursing care can help to value humanized childbirth. The realization of this article was through a literature review, researching information on government health programs and published articles that addressed the subject. Discussion: 13 references were selected for the study, nine scientific articles (two in English and seven in Portuguese), two government programs, a book and a publication by the World Health Organization. Final remarks: It was concluded that the humanization of care it is fundamental and involves not only the interaction of the nurse with the parturient, but a whole range of interrelationships, involving government programs focused on the humanization of care, dedication to humanization by hospital managers, which reaches the health team and other employees institution, thus encompassing the entire system where the patient is inserted. Keywords: obstetric nursing, humanized birth, obstetric violence. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo