Início A nutrição como medida preventiva para o câncer

A nutrição como medida preventiva para o câncer
Introduction: This study aims to demonstrate the efficacy of nutrition to prevent neoplasia. Review: Integrative literature review using the Lilacs, Google Scholar, BVS and Scielo databases for searching papers published in the last 5 years. Discussion: After analysis of 15 articles it was observed that alimentation has a great influence on the appearance and prevention of neoplasias. Final considerations: the present study demonstrated that inadequate diet plays an important role in the appearance of certain types of cancers, and adequate diet may help to prevent it.
Keywords: prevention, cancer, nutrition.
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A odontologia do trabalho como instrumento de prevenção do absenteísmo
Introduction: Worker health has made great strides in Brazil in recent years. Occupational Dentistry is highlighted in this context, as it aims to study, worry and explain the different oral problems that affect workers. Oral diseases do not deviate from systemic conditions and cannot be left aside when discussing disabilities that affect workers. The implementation of the Occupational Dentistry service in companies contains the prevention of workers 'oral health, if there is a current need for associated occupational medicine to aim at the integrality of workers' health. The aim of this work was through a literature review to discuss the role of the Labor Dentist in the prevention of oral pathologies in workers and in the control of absences from work.
Keywords: worker, occupational dentistry, prevention.
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Acidentes de trânsito na cidade de Maringá-PR em 2019: reflexões para além dos números
Introduction: The number of victims, as well as the public resources that are lost. Objective: Given this fact, this work aims to identify, analyze and characterize the traffic accidents that occurred in 2019 in the city of Maringá-Paraná, served by the Fire Department of Paraná. Exploring the number of accidents attended by this century-old institution, assessing the frequency and incidence of accidents and, thus, seeking solutions to help reduce them in the future. Methods: For the development of this article, bibliographic research was used, as well as data obtained from the records of daily occurrences used by the Paraná Fire Department, after prior authorization from the unit commander. Conclusions: This study highlights the fact that most accidents could have been avoided if the driver adopted a more passive behavior. Driving defensively, not drinking alcohol before driving vehicles, are just some of the essential attitudes to reduce these high rates.
Keywords: traffic accidents, causes, prevention, vehicles, victims.
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