Início Prueba de micronúcleo en mucosa para la evaluación de toxicidad en perros...

Prueba de micronúcleo en mucosa para la evaluación de toxicidad en perros por exposición al tabaco
Abstract: It is necessary to study the mutagenic effect of passive smoking on animals, so that people can become aware of and avoid smoking near their pets. According to the World Health Organization, cigarette smoke is the largest domestic and environmental pollution agent, considering that the general population spends 80% of their time indoors, making the study relevant. One form of screening is chromosomal breakage identified by the micronucleus method assay on exfoliated oral epithelial cells to observe the pro-mutagenic effect of cigarette smoke on the oral mucosa of dogs exposed to smoking. Many studies have examined the effects of passive smoking on humans, but little has been studied in relation to domestic animals, although there is evidence of increased risk for lung cancer in passive smoke dogs. From this literature review, it was possible to observe a pro-mutagenic effect of cigarette smoke on the oral mucosa of dogs exposed to passive smoking.
Keywords: smoking, cells, mutation, cigarette and dog.
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