professores universitários

A importância do psicodiagnóstico em professores universitários portadores da Síndrome de Burnout

Resumo: Introduction: The term burnout has an English origin, usually used to denote a state of energy depletion, associated with intense frustration with work situations. This article sought through an integrative literature review to address the psychodiagnostic aspects associated with burnout syndrome in university professors. Review: The burnout syndrome is a response to chronic work stress, being defined as a condition related to physical, emotional and behavioral exhaustion, usually related to the result of prolonged stress or frustration that are linked to work, considering that in the routine of There are psychosocial stressors linked to the essence of the job, as well as the organizational and social context in which they work. Discussion: For the enumeration of risk factors associated with the development of burnout, four dimensions are taken into account: the organization, the individual, work and society. What corresponds to the risk factors in the organization for the onset of the disease are the lack of autonomy, respect for team members and the boss, very strict institutional rules, overload of working hours. Final Remarks: The individual's peculiarity may be associated with minor or major in relation to the disease, and psychodiagnosis is understood as a systematic and time-limited process of knowledge about psychological functioning in specific situations. Keywords: Burnout, teachers university, psychodiagnosis. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo