protocolos de atendimentos

Atendimento odontológico em gestantes

Resumo: Introduction: A woman in the gestational period goes through several physical, psychological and hormonal changes. These changes associated with carelessness with oral health can generate several changes in the mother's oral cavity and impact the baby's health in the future. Review: Pregnant women are more susceptible to oral health problems (dental caries, periodontal disease, tooth erosion and granuloma), due to changes in diet, reduced salivary secretion, inadequate oral hygiene practices, frequent nausea and high hormone levels. Discussion: Pregnant women hardly seek dental care during the gestational period, due to fear, misinformation and anxiety about the procedures, in addition, the insecurity and failures regarding the guidance by dentists and doctors about care during pregnancy can collaborate even more to the aggravation of the problem. Final considerations: The most favorable period for attending pregnant women is in the second trimester of pregnancy. However, in urgent cases and infectious foci in the oral cavity, no procedure is totally contraindicated, following the proper protocols. Keywords: oral health, pregnant women, service protocols. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo