reinamento e desenvolvimento

A importância do programa de treinamento e desenvolvimento para a melhoria do bem-estar de colaboradores de instituições de ensino

Resumo: This article presents theoretical knowledge about the importance of the training and development program to improve the well-being of employees of educational institutions. Due to technological, economic and social changes, training and development are increasingly gaining ground in these environments, where there is a perception that this tool has potential for the continuous development of people, using it to improve the company and the well-being of employees. collaborators. The study presents a review of qualitative research with a bibliographic nature, the structure had a descriptive character where the survey of information of the authors that are in books, publications in journals of scientific articles, monographs, dissertations and theses on the subject was carried out. With the research it was possible to consider many relevant aspects during the construction of knowledge in postgraduate studies in Organizational and Work Psychology. The investigation of the proposed theme was carried out from academic/scientific platforms Scielo, Psicologia e Sociedade, FUMEC, UNESP using instruments such as periodical articles, dissertations, monographs and books. The review of articles is linked to the descriptors of Training and development, Growth with T & D, Benefits in T & D. The results show a critical and synchronic discussion about the importance of training and development to improve the well-being of employees of educational institutions. Based on scientific evidence, it is understood that it is necessary to deepen knowledge, there is no intention of exhausting the discussion on the subject, but of expanding society's view of this fact, being able to investigate the importance of the training and development program for the improvement of the good -being of employees of educational institutions. Keywords: Training and development, Growth with T & D, Benefits in T&D. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo