
A percepção dos professores sobre respiração oronasal em alunos de uma escola da rede privada – São Luís/MA

Resumo: Introduction: The breathing is indispensable to the functioning of the organism, and its first route is the nose, which directly interferes in the protection of the respiratory tract and the stimulation of the craniofacial development, however not everyone can use it properly which brings about changes in the life of an individual. Objective: The research aimed to identify the teachers' perception of oronasal breathing in students. Material and methods: The research was characterized as an observational, cross-sectional analytical study, and the initial sample was composed of 10 Co-Educar school teachers, regardless of age and time of profession, but who taught for students in the age group 1, 5 to 11 years old. Results: The results of the study indicated that 60% of teachers had inadequate perception and 40% were adequate. Discussion: Balthazar et al. (2016) confirmed that most teachers do not adequately perceive oronasal breathing in students, as 70% of them reported not perceiving their students' breathing type. Conclusion: It was verified the teachers' lack of adequate perception about oronasal breathing in students, and it demonstrates the necessity of the creation of activities that promote awareness about the incorrect way of breathing and its consequences, since teachers can perceive more easily not only the physical alterations, as well as any potential interference in the process of learning. Keywords: Speech therapy, Breathing, Students. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo