Início Boas práticas para a manipulação de fármaco citotóxico oral: recomendações para os...
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Boas práticas para a manipulação de fármaco citotóxico oral: recomendações para os profissionais da enfermagem, pacientes e familiares
This study aimed to identify good practices for handling oral cytotoxic antineoplastic drugs. This is a narrative, qualitative, exploratory and explanatory bibliographic review work. The data were collected and organized in a synthesized way through the analysis of all articles used to support this scientific work, thus generating two categories of analysis that will be exposed below: care in the use of oral cytotoxic antineoplastic drugs and good practices by the team in handling these. However, it was possible to observe that it is of fundamental importance that professionals directly involved in the handling of oral antineoplastics are prepared, theoretically based to deal with the appropriate guidelines to be offered to the patient and family, in situations of handling, administration and correct disposal of drugs. cytotoxic.
Keywords: Oral cytotoxic drug, Home chemotherapy, Oral chemotherapeutic agentes, Oncology nursing, Occupational Hazards.
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Administradores diante dos riscos ocupacionais que envolvem as atividades da equipe de enfermagem no ambiente hospitalar
The occupational risks that are subjected to a nursing team have been the subject of many discussions”, become a topic of paramount importance, reflecting the relevance of occupational safety as a preponderant factor and guaranteed by good professional practice and respect for life. Several researches aimed at chemical, biological, ergonomic, physical and mental risks as the main occupational risks. This article, discussed and made available a brief review of the literature on occupational health risks, aims to become an informative tool, contributing to mitigate the exposure of nursing professionals to unavoidable risks and that their own practice is subject to. The human body has several functions; those that are improperly formed can lead to serious risks, such as an occupational disease. Concerning employees' Occupational Health is a manager's duty and helps to ensure well-being, contributing to their investigation, motivation, performance, harm reduction, better results and job satisfaction. However, he believes that companies should check important points and adopt strategies that help to make the work environment more pleasant and less unhealthy as possible. The analysis allows the company to be aware of the real situation of the requirements defined for its employees, leading to finding information that helps to improve the working and mental conditions of its workers, adding satisfaction and motivation in their continuous work days. However, it is important to use severity measurement instruments, assess the needs for care with the demand for nursing work, seek to qualify professionals who dedicate more time to the needs of emotional support and information to patients and families, optimization of resources, cost reduction and, consequently, quality and humanization of assistance.
Keywords: hospital administration, nurse manager, occupational risks, hospital environment.
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