terceiros molares inclusos

Classificação das posições de terceiros molares inclusos e semi-inclusos: uma revisão de literatura

Resumo: Introduction: Third molars are the last teeth that, according to the chronological scale of tooth eruption, emerge in the dental arch and are usually included or semi-included. Revision: There may be several causes for this phenomenon, either by bone topography, lack of space in the arch or by the position of the second molar. The teeth most likely to be found included are the upper and lower third molars and then the upper canines. Discussion: An impacted tooth is one whose eruption has not occurred at the expected time according to the eruption chronology of permanent teeth. Final Considerations: With this in mind, this article presents the main classifications of the positions of retained third molars and the frequency in which they are most commonly found. Keywords: Winter's classification, Pell and Gregory's classification, included third molars, etiology and prevalence of included teeth. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo