tratamento farmacológico

Pandemia do SARS-COV-2: uma revisão integrativa sobre os principais medicamentos, aprovados ou em fase de estudos, que podem ser utilizados no tratamento da COVID-19

Resumo: Introduction: SARS-CoV-2 infection is the largest public health emergency of international importance ever declared. The large number of loss of life is added to the difficulties related to the management of the disease, even with no effective treatment available. Remdesivir, Azithromycin, Dexamethasone, Ibuprofen and Chloroquine are some of the drugs under testing for possible use in the treatment against Covid-19. Review: This study addresses a bibliographic review, of the integrative type. For the composition of this study, scientific publications and pronouncements of health agencies in Portuguese and English, published until April 2021 were used. Discussion: Few drugs have shown any effect in fighting the pandemic. In the absence of specific medications or vaccines in sufficient quantity, the alternative to avoid the collapse of health systems, consisted of combining a policy of social isolation with the testing of the population. Final considerations: Despite the efforts of the scientific community, there is no specific treatment to block viral replication, there are drugs that help in the treatment of the symptoms of the disease. At the moment, when there is a growth in new cases and hospitalizations, only mass vaccination will have an impact in reducing deaths and hospitalizations in a short interval. Keywords: covid-19, coronavirus, pharmacological treatmen. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo