tratamento oncológico

Mucosite oral – Terapia Antineoplásica

Resumo: INTRODUCTION: Oral cancer are malignant neoplasms that begin in the epithelium lining the mouth by the disorderly multiplication of defective or atypical cells, which cannot be completely eradicated by the immune system. Cancer treatments consist of eliminating neoplastic tissues through surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy or a combination of these three therapeutic modalities. However, the side effects caused by radio and chemotherapy are multiple, and among them oral mucositis stands out. REVIEW: Oral mucositis is characterized by inflammation of the soft tissues of the mouth (buccal and labial mucosa, floor of the mouth, ventral surface of the tongue and soft palate), observed in 40% of patients receiving chemotherapy, and in 8-10% of people undergoing radiotherapy. Its severity is determined by the type of radiation, the daily dose, the volume of irradiated tissue, the accumulated dose and the type, duration and dose of the medication used. And also, by extrinsic factors, such as alcohol abuse, poor oral hygiene and tobacco. DISCUSSION: Oral mucositis can be classified as: Grade 1 (asymptomatic or with mild symptoms, with no need for intervention); Grade 2 (moderate pain, a change in diet is indicated); Grade 3 (severe pain, patients unable to eat, requiring intervention); Grade 4 (life-threatening consequences requiring urgent intervention); Grade 5 (death). FINAL REMARKS: The treatment of oral mucositis consists of prevention and palliative care, which aim to alleviate pain and prevent the appearance of secondary infections. In other words, mouthwashes (sodium bicarbonate, saline solution 0.9%, chlorhexidine gluconate 0.12%, nystatin and palifermin); drugs (benzydamine hydrochloride and prostaglandins) and low-intensity laser, curative methods that have proven efficacy in the literature in the treatment of oral mucositis. Keywords: Oral mucositis, malignant neoplasms, oncological treatment, oral cancer. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo