uidados paliativos

Aspectos atuais na formação e preparação dos profissionais da saúde frente aos cuidados paliativos

Resumo: Introduction: Palliative care (PC) behaves like a philosophy that promotes quality of life for patients in their stages of progressive and terminal illness, providing support in the physical, mental and spiritual dimensions, without giving up the individual attention of each individual. The objective of this study is to present, through an integrative literature review, the performance of health professionals in palliative care, demonstrating the importance of a multidisciplinary team in this area. Review: Humanization in palliative care consists of meeting the needs of the patient, whether he is diagnosed with a terminal chronic disease or not, thus, humanization and palliative care are related in concept and practice, and must be initiated from the initial stage of the disease to its advanced stage. When it comes to the composition of the team of professionals, it must contain doctors, psychologists, nurses, physiotherapists, social workers and occupational therapists, as these professionals assume specialized care with a focus on patient care individually, as each individual reacts differently. different to a therapeutic one, with short or long term interventional actions. Final Remarks: The finitude of life process requires health professionals to be prepared not only for practical competence. However, there are signs of absence of teaching and pedagogical approaches in the theme of PC, addressing this theme during the graduation of the student in the health area, will add fundamental issues, both for the professional and personal scope, making it empathic to deal with patients facing the end of life, offering respect and the necessary care. Keywords: palliative care, physiotherapy, teachers, teaching. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo