Início Os principais riscos da hipovitaminose D na gestação – Revisão
vitamina D

Os principais riscos da hipovitaminose D na gestação – Revisão
Introduction: Hypovitaminosis D is identified as a public health problem in many countries, and pregnant women are identified as a high-risk group, in which the prevalence ranges from 20% to 40%.This is an integrative literature review. The collection of scientific data and the systematization of information come from scientific productions published since 2015, indexed in the database of MEDLINE-PUBMED, LILACS and SCIELO. Review: In Brazil, pre-eclampsia and eclampsia are the main causes of death in pregnancy. Studies indicate that vitamin D supplementation is able to prevent these pathologies from manifesting during pregnancy. There is a consensus in the literature to routinely supplement this nutrient from the 12th week of gestation onwards. Hypovitaminosis D, has framed pregnant women in a high-risk group, which needs to be monitored and studied, with gestational diabetes mellitus as the main pathology identified in the bibliography as the cause. Discussion: Vitamin D plays an important role in all stages of pregnancy and maternal deficiency of this hormone negatively affects the newborn's skeletal, cardiovascular, respiratory and brain functions. Final considerations: The evidence presented in this work indicates an association between vitamin D deficiency with levels below 20 ng / mL and the increasing risk of progressing with premature birth, and it is also related to multiple adverse pregnancy complications, such as pre-eclampsia and low body weight of the baby.
Keywords: pregnancy, hypovitaminosis, vitamin D.
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