Início Fraudes em alimentos industrializados

Fraudes em alimentos industrializados
Introduction: Currently the population has changed their eating habits, and seeks every day industrialized foods, for the lack of time to prepare a healthy diet. And this entails bad eating habits, and even the consumption of foods of dubious quality. The industries have received great demand for food industrialization, because of the overconsumption of the population. With this companies have aimed at their profits, and in obtaining more benefits, and through this it has been observed every day that companies have defrauded more food. Objective: The objective of this work was to describe the concept of food fraud, to portray the types of fraud, to detail the characteristic of each fraud and finally to mention the possible health risks that these foods are capable of causing to the consumer. Review: The methodology used in this work is a bibliographic review carried out between May and June 2020. The databases used were SciELO and Google Scholar. Articles from 2010 to 2020 were included. Final considerations: The frauds that occur in the industries, is classified in changes such as: enzymatic, chemical, microbiological, microbial, by adulterations that is addition, or subtraction and counterfeits, this occurs to obtain more profits, and to increase the shelf life of food, among other irregularities. Food fraud brings a health risk, and in more severe cases it can lead to the individual dying. Fraud omits the nutritional values of food, and the actual composition of food.
Keywords: adulteration, alterations, forgeries, fraud, industries.
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